by Richard John Stapleton

This is insane.

The man has no moral, ethical, or legal basis for saying this in this Tweet.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous “80,000,000 votes” were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia &amp; Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href=””>November 27, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

The problem is not unsolvable.

All Trump has to do is do the right thing and honor the decisions of legally elected officials of state legislatures and federal judges who have emphatically stated in all ways Biden won fair and square in one of the most secure elections ever. As anyone with any common sense knows no US presidential election could ever be declared 100 percent accurate with counted voting numbers. Some errors and maybe a little fraud is bound to happen in a counting process as wide and large as a US presidential race. How many US presidents could have done what Trump has done?  Quite a few. But none of them did. Why not? Because all of them had some sense of honor, decency, and fair play.

Trump is psychologically lying about the reality of this situation and is in effect psychologically threatening civil war and the destruction of our democratic voting system with this Tweet. He’s a fascist dictator at heart who got to be president of the US and now does not want to give it up like a petulant spoiled child not wanting to give up a piece of candy. He’s never been a believer in democracy and has never obeyed rules he did not like in his life. Why should he start now?

Hopefully the only hope of US citizens who believe in democracy to avert some sort of violent civil war is not the US military who have historically pledged themselves to uphold the US democratic rule and law and Constitution by not following the orders of demented presidents. Whether they will in this case if the US Supreme Court stacked 6-3 with right wing ideologues should decide to give Trump the presidency despite the democratic vote remains to be seen.

Trump it seems has now decided he has enough power to override the US Constitution backed by his 73.9 million voters, and his six lackeys on the Supreme Court, after losing the presidential race according to traditional rules of the US voting system by 6.9 million real votes to Biden’s 80.2 million real votes, while Biden also leads Trump with funny votes, electoral college votes, 306 to 232.

This is a sad day indeed in US history. Trump’s a thug with the morals and ethics of an alley cat. No other US president in US history has stooped this low.

After one of the most secure and accurate US presidential votes in history the US still has a sociopath in the White House creating anxiety and anguish while fanning fires of chaos in the US and around Spaceship Earth with his insane Tweets, this last one hopefully being the last straw, grasped by a very desperate dangerous lawless man with no conscience.

Unlike Nero who fiddled while fires burning Rome burned of their own volition, Trump will spend his last two months in the White House playing golf and adding fuel to the fire by doing what he has always done for a living, firing people who refuse to do what he orders.


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